The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense. -Tom Clancy

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Sorry I didn't post yesterday. The only February 29th in four years, and I miss it!

Today, I'm thinking about rewriting. For those of you who know about my Realms story, you know how often I've rewritten it. If you don't, well, I've written the first chapter at least 8 times, finished the entire book twice, and the plot has drastically changed every single time. A weekend or two ago I wrote the first chapter again longhand, and then I have to type it up again. That's going to take a while.

To make your rewriting a success: (please read this is a loud commercial voice full of smiling)

1. These rules only apply to rewriting; the first draft is just tearing through the story.
2. Read the story out loud after you've written a page or two. This will help you make it flow better.
3. Be harsh with yourself. Turn on the editor's side of your brain.
4. Don't be afraid to delete huge sections or entire scene.
5. Write only what's important to the plot. If you're like me, the first draft is full of the characters just sitting there and being like, 'Hmm, I wonder what'll happen next?'

Good luck! Have fun writing/rewriting!


1 comment:

  1. You're re-writing again?! I am only editing my first book, and I'm scaring myself with it!! I am having problems adding things and/or changing the perspectives from 3rd to first. EEK!
