The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense. -Tom Clancy

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Longhand and Laziness

Let me tell you, Writer's Laziness is just as hard as Writer's Block, if not worse. I wrote for hours on Saturday, and since then I've done nothing. This week hasn't been great for me writing-wise. I guess it's a good thing I have this blog, because otherwise I'd have a writing productivity of zero.

I plan to finish the chapter I wrote on Saturday and write the first scene for the chapter 2. If I fail at this, Mika, JK Archer, and Katie have full permission to yell at me. However, I'll be writing it longhand and revise it as I go along, so I could fall a little behind. Don't judge me for writing longhand- JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter longhand, and then typed it up on her typewriter (who here needs to google it to know what that is?) and wrote it a third time because she couldn't afford to make copies. I don't plan on doing that, but I this is my fourth time rewriting the chapter.

In summary: Laziness is bad, longhand is good, and I hope I can avoid being severely yelled at this weekend. One day left!



  1. Haha! I love your plan Sydney! (It's like the first book of Plinas. Wrote it, typed it, and now revising.) I'm so bored. :D
