The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense. -Tom Clancy

Monday, July 30, 2012

How Your Mind is Set

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live." -Mark Twain

Wasn't Mark Twain a genius? I've spent a lot of time with people who "don't exist," and I think they're all fantastic. It's one of the more enjoyable schizophrenic forms of writing society. (See my "On the Roll Again" post to find the definition of schizophrenia)

I bet that none of you know that my grandpa used to teach at BYU. He taught that everybody has a certain predefined mindset from the time they were born. There are nine slots, ranging from highly logical to extremely creative. I got put in the "Creative Writer" slot- wow, fancy that!- which means that I have a little bit more logic than creativity. I can come up with great, creative, slightly ridiculous ideas, but I have enough logic to lay it all down and have it make sense.

With my characters, I have to sort them like this:

Evelyn Grace is extremely logical. She likes things to make sense. The betrayal is what really shakes her, since she has to accept something new.

Ambrr Cyrus Monstalki is orchestrated (balanced in creativy and logic). I actually do know why- they breed the guardians to be like that.

Stark Kavvenharbreis favors creativity, which is what makes him such a hopeless leader and is why he'll always be wondering "if I'd done this" and is why he always thinks that his stupid ideas will work.

I have other characters I could demonstrate- P'eter Eron Lionatus, Shretka Merimear-Detora, Zel Haiwal, Thodo of the Tenth Flame, Nae Voloni Reshancrea, Corsan Haiwal, and so on . . . Those of you that have read my previous versions of Realms may not recognize a few of the names, but it's okay, that's what this draft is for.

Camp Nanowrimo begins in August, so I'll have to try to pump up a few more words from Realms. Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome. :) i love how you categorize your characters.
