The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense. -Tom Clancy

Friday, August 31, 2012

Angel's Fall

This poem is dedicated to my great-grandma Hazel Johns, who passed away on August 29th. I love you!

Angel's Fall

would've thought
That a century
Would prepare to
To die
But I guess
Its hard to let go
If you don't know
Who will catch
Twenty years
waiting for the frayed rope
To snap
And join her husband
Ten years
living with nurses
Instead of family
Ready for the snap
Scared for the fall
Frigtened of that moment
Of darkness
Before Light
Yet once the rope breaks
And you fall
I guess it takes a minute
to get angel's


Monday, August 20, 2012

Special Speaker (Writer?) Rose Winters!

My best friend Rose Winter's agreed to do this post for me. I gave her free reigns, and she decided to say this to the writing audience out there:

"Okay. So. Something I've noticed is that many teen authors skip story building. I know Kirah has talked some about world building and character development. Well, seeing how she hasn't really spent time on story building so I'm going to say it. I have seen some writers who will completely skip this story building step. This is a very important step and you cannot skip it.
So. My personal oppinion is that story building should be your first, mmm, three chapters. You have to build a life for your character. You have to show what time period, what country, the gender of your character, (OBVIOUSLY SUPER IMPORTANT) and your world building needs to happen here.
My deffinition of story building is pretty much deffining your character. Tell your readers who they are reading about. Don't just give a name and time in the story, you need to give a name, description, and everything else you NEED the readers to know. Everything necessary to the character's personality needs to be here before foreshadowing and flashbacks appear. You NEED story building in order for your story to work."

Thank you Rose!


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Camp Nanowrimo Part 2

"The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept." -George Carlin

Not insane yet.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Camp Nanowrimo

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” ~Jack London

Welcome to August the first, aka my older sister's birthday, aka first day of Camp Nanowrimo. I'm using my dad's old laptop- thank you!- so that then I don't have to share with my computer-addicted siblings. I did Nanowrimo on the family computer last time, and this is my experience in a nutshell:

Me: typing rapidly
Sibling: Can I have a turn?

They don't understand typing crisises. I don't know how many times I tried to explain that November.

My overall opinion of camp: fun, but calmer than Nanowrimo. (And then watch me become a nervous wreck by the 5th.) Good luck to all other campers!
